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Age: 33

Sex: Male

Indication: Trauma

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Case #3


  • Mildly displaced avulsion fracture of the left occipital condyle
  • Nondisplaced fracture of the left C3 uncinate process
  • Minimally displaced C4-C6 spinous process fractures
  • Fracture of the left C7 transverse process extending into the superior articulating facet
  • Mild superior endplate irregularity of the C7 vertebral body without bony retropulsion
  • Partially imaged skull base fracture extending through the lateral walls of both sphenoid sinuses and involving the left carotid canal
  • Left sphenoid hemosinus
  • Partially imaged endotracheal tube


  • Displaced occipital condyle avulsion fracture

Sample Report

Mildly displaced avulsion fracture of the left occipital condyle. Nondisplaced fracture of the left C3 uncinate process. Minimally displaced C4-C6 spinous process fractures. Fracture of the left C7 transverse process extending into the superior articulating facet. Mild superior endplate irregularity of the C7 vertebral body without bony retropulsion.

No traumatic malalignment.

Partially imaged skull base fracture extending through the lateral walls of both sphenoid sinuses and involving the left carotid canal. Left sphenoid hemosinus. These findings can be further evaluated with dedicated head CT.


  • Occipital condyle fractures are often missed, in part because they are often nondisplaced or minimally displaced. Make sure to look closely at the condyles on all three planes (you can do this at the same time you check alignment at the craniocervical junction)
  • Remember that the alar ligaments attach to the occipital condyle. Displaced avulsion fractures are considered unstable injuries concerning for underlying ligament injury, and while you do not need to know the surgical classification schemes, make sure to mention whether or not these fractures are displaced


Red arrows: displaced left occipital condyle fracture. Left C3 uncinate process fracture (red arrow). Left C7 transverse process fracture (red arrow). C4-C6 spinous process fractures (red arrows). Coronal view of the major ligaments at the craniocervical junction. Occipital condyle fractures.

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Cervical Spine Trauma

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75 cases

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   Incidental Findings

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   Media Index

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  Neuro CT Mimics

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Cranial nerves on MRI


Shoulder MRI anatomy


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Resident/fellow-level anatomy



Pelvic MRI anatomy


Chest radiograph & CT anatomy


Abdominal CT anatomy


Cardiac CT anatomy


Brain & calvarial anatomy on CT/MRI

   Cranial Nerves

Cranial nerves on MRI


Shoulder MRI anatomy


Knee MRI anatomy

   Temporal Bone

Resident/fellow-level anatomy

Neuro Courses

Includes our call preparation neuro courses (Neuro CT and Neuro MRI) and our neuro fellowship courses.

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  Neuro MRI

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   Brain Tumors

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13 cases

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Neuro Courses

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   Neuro MRI

146 cases

   Brain Tumors

105 cases


13 cases

  Congenital Hearing Loss

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   Chest Radiographs

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   Body CT

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Call Simulator

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