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Age: 21

Sex: Male

Indication: Headache, history of AIDS

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Case #26


  • Diffuse areas of FLAIR signal hyperintensity in the subarachnoid spaces predominantly overlying the cerebellum but also at multiple supratentorial sites
  • Faint widespread leptomeningeal enhancement, particularly along the cerebellum
  • Areas of rounded T2/FLAIR hyperintensity as well as dilated perivascular spaces with corresponding restricted diffusion within the bilateral cerebellar hemispheres
  • Additional areas of patchy T2/FLAIR hyperintensity and foci of restricted diffusion involving the bilateral basal ganglia and cerebral cortex/subcortical white matter
  • Mass effect in the posterior fossa with compression of the fourth ventricle and partial effacement of the basal cisterns
  • No evidence of acute infarct, intracranial hemorrhage, or hydrocephalus
  • T1/T2 hyperintensity along the posterior aspect of the right globe in the subretinal space converging on the site of optic nerve attachment
  • Irregular contour of the anterior nasal sclera of the left globe with focal outpouching and layering T2 hypointense material in the left vitreous chamber


  • Cryptococcal meningitis

Sample Report

Meningitis and multifocal parenchymal signal abnormality involving the cerebellum more so than the supratentorial brain with morphology in the cerebellum suggestive of gelatinous pseudocyst formation within dilated perivascular spaces, which is a typical imaging appearance for cryptococcal meningitis.

Infratentorial mass effect with compression of the fourth ventricle and partial effacement of the basal cisterns. While there is no evidence of herniation or hydrocephalus at this time, recommend short interval followup imaging as this patient is at high risk for developing hydrocephalus.

Findings concerning for retinal detachment involving the right globe with subretinal hemorrhage. Exudative retinal detachment is a consideration given cryptococcal meningitis. Left globe deformity involving the anteronasal sclera could relate to increased intraocular pressure with nonspecific material layering in the left vitreous chamber. Recommend urgent ophthalmologic evaluation.


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Call Preparation

Prepare for call efficiently with interactive cases, sample reports, and annotated images.

1,400+ cases  91.25 CME

Call Simulator

   Neuro CT

250 cases

  Neuro MRI

146 cases

   Peds Radiographs

372 cases

   MSK Radiographs

281 cases

   Chest CT

84 cases

   Chest Radiographs

97 cases


43 cases

   Body CT

140 cases


75 cases

Call Simulator

• Shuffle cases from our courses to simulate the mix of a call shift.
• Submit your own report before reviewing the case write-up.

Neuro Fellowship

Reviews of neuro topics with clinical pearls, differentials, and in-depth discussions.

131 cases  13.1 CME

   Brain Tumors

105 cases


13 cases

   Congenital Hearing Loss

13 cases

Call Preparation

   Neuro CT

250 cases

   Neuro MRI

146 cases

   Peds Radiographs

372 cases

   MSK Radiographs

281 cases


75 cases

   Chest CT

84 cases

   Chest Radiographs

97 cases

   Body CT

127 cases


43 cases

Neuro Fellowship

   Brain Tumors

105 cases


13 cases

Call Simulator

• Shuffle cases from our courses.
• Submit your own report.


• Earn up to 91 CME.
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Call Simulator

• Shuffle cases from our courses to simulate the mix of a call shift.
• Submit your own report before reviewing the case write-up.


• Earn up to 91 CME by completing cases in our radiology courses.
• Claim your CME to receive a certificate.

On Call

Quick references created specifically to help while on call.

  Peds Normals by Age

Reference database of normal imaging from birth to age 16

   Incidental Findings

Summary of consensus guidelines for managing incidental CT findings

   Media Index

Index of select illustrations & videos from our courses

  Neuro CT Mimics

Visual reference for common mimics of pathology on CT

On Call

  Peds Normals by Age

Reference database of normal imaging from birth to age 16

   Incidental Findings

Summary of consensus guidelines for managing incidental CT findings

   Media Index

Index of select illustrations & videos from our courses

  Neuro CT Mimics

Visual reference for common mimics of pathology on CT


Labelled radiographs and CT/MRI series teaching anatomy with a level of detail appropriate for medical students and junior residents.


Pelvic MRI anatomy


Chest radiograph & CT anatomy


Abdominal CT anatomy


Cardiac CT anatomy


Brain & calvarial anatomy on CT/MRI

   Cranial Nerves

Cranial nerves on MRI


Shoulder MRI anatomy


Knee MRI anatomy

   Temporal Bone

Resident/fellow-level anatomy



Pelvic MRI anatomy


Chest radiograph & CT anatomy


Abdominal CT anatomy


Cardiac CT anatomy


Brain & calvarial anatomy on CT/MRI

   Cranial Nerves

Cranial nerves on MRI


Shoulder MRI anatomy


Knee MRI anatomy

   Temporal Bone

Resident/fellow-level anatomy

Neuro Courses

Includes our call preparation neuro courses (Neuro CT and Neuro MRI) and our neuro fellowship courses.

   Neuro CT

250 cases

  Neuro MRI

146 cases

   Brain Tumors

105 cases


13 cases

   Congenital Hearing Loss

Coming soon

Neuro Courses

   Neuro CT

250 cases

   Neuro MRI

146 cases

   Brain Tumors

105 cases


13 cases

  Congenital Hearing Loss

Coming soon


• Claim your CME to receive a certificate.

Call Simulator

• Shuffle cases from our courses to simulate the mix of a call shift.
• Submit your own report before reviewing the case write-up.


• Earn up to 91 CME by completing cases in our radiology courses.
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   Neuro CT

250 cases

   Neuro MRI

146 cases

   Peds Radiographs

372 cases

   MSK Radiographs

281 cases


75 cases

   Chest CT

84 cases

   Chest Radiographs

97 cases

   Body CT

140 cases


43 cases

Call Simulator

• Shuffle cases from our courses to simulate the mix of a call shift.
• Submit your own report before reviewing the case write-up.


• Earn up to 91 CME by completing cases in our radiology courses.
• Claim your CME to receive a certificate.

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